Football Collection Father's Day
Football Collection Father's Day
Football 200ml with Spanish Brandy
Matured by the Solera method, this brandy contains the sun of Andalusia. The Bodegueros from Jerez created this outstanding Brandy with an excellent instinct for majestic flavour and perfect taste. A product difficult to source we at IL Gusto are happy...
Football 200ml with Dominican Rum
Our lightly spiced Dominican rum is the perfect ingredient for exotic cocktails or as an accompaniment to cola. Presented in a bottle of your choosing, this old navy rum, which is created from fermented molasses, is sweet and delicious. It's...
Football 200ml with Red Cherry Brandy
Made by monks since the 13th century in the centre of France, using only dark cherry and a brandy of at least 7 years old. This recipe is made the traditional way with pure dark cherries and their juices.